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Watching her swaying hips inch her ever closer, thoughts of deceit and betrayal flooded his mind. If only he could erase the memory of seeing Desiree being kissed and climaxing. Jamal Montgomery is a young investigative journalist and New Yorker who left a naughty wife in Manhattan. He landed in Sacramento, California, in an attempt to forget the past and jump start his life. He gets involved with the lovely Roxanne Jones, a young sexy school teacher and hot dance choreographer whose sometimes ex-boyfriend is Deion St. James, the international drug dealer G Dogg. Jamal uncovers the plans of G-Dogg’s Barcelona crime boss Francis DaPrato, which leads to a couple of corrupt detectives looking to take him out. All Jamal has is his wits, his balls and his instincts, will it be enough for him to survive?


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